You may use this form to submit general enquiries to the PCA or consult the Frequently Asked Questions page. Please note that the PCA only provides information on PCA cases to the extent that the parties have so agreed. No case information beyond what is set forth on this website can be provided by the PCA.
Contact us
Permanent Court of Arbitration
Peace Palace
Carnegieplein 2
2517 KJ The Hague
The Netherlands
T: +31 70 302 4165
F: +31 70 302 4167
E-mail: [email protected]
Press enquiries
Members of the press who contact the PCA will be directed to a dedicated member of staff who will address their enquiries within the following constraints: the PCA only identifies the parties and publishes awards or other information in proceedings under PCA auspices where the parties have so agreed. No information beyond what is set forth on this website can be provided by the PCA.