Resolute Forest Products Inc. v. The Government of Canada

Pursuant to Article 3 of the 1976 Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law and Article 1120 of the North American Free Trade Agreement (“NAFTA”), through a Notice of Arbitration dated December 30, 2015, Resolute Forest Products Inc., on its own behalf and on behalf of its subsidiary, Resolute FP Canada Inc., instituted arbitral proceedings against the Government of Canada.  The Permanent Court of Arbitration acts as Registry in this arbitration.

Case information

Name(s) of Claimant(s) Resolute Forest Products Inc. (U.S.A.) (Private entity )
Name(s) of Respondent(s) The Government of Canada (State)
Names of Parties -
Case number 2016-13
Administering institution Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
Case status Concluded
Type of case Investment arbitration
Subject matter or economic sector Manufacturing
Procedural rules UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 1976
Treaty or contract under which proceedings were commenced

Multilateral treaty

Language of Proceeding English
Seat of Arbitration (by Country) Canada
Arbitrator(s), Conciliator(s), Other Neutral(s)

Professor Bernard Hanotiau (President)

Dean Ronald A. Cass

Professor Céline Lévesque


Representatives of the Claimant(s)

Mr. Elliot J. Feldman

Mr. Michael S. Snarr

Mr. Paul M. Levine



Mr. Martin J. Valasek

Ms. Jenna Anne de Jong



M. Jacques Vachon

M. Jean-Christophe Martel


Representatives of the Respondent(s)

Mr. Mark Luz

Mr. Rodney Neufeld

Ms. Annie Ouellet 

Mr. Stefan Kuuskne

Mr. Azeem Manghat

Mr. Dmytro Galagan


Representatives of the Parties
Number of Arbitrators in case 3
Date of commencement of proceeding 30 December 2015
Date of issue of final award 25 July 2022
Length of Proceedings More than 4 years
Additional notes

Pursuant to Article A(2)(b) of the Notes of Interpretation of Certain Chapter 11 Provisions, adopted on 31 July 2001 by the States Parties to NAFTA, Canada, Mexico and the United States have agreed to make available to the public in a timely manner all documents submitted to, or issued by, a Chapter Eleven tribunal, subject to appropriate redactions. In PCA-administered arbitrations involving the Government of Canada, these documents are published on the PCA Case Repository.


Written submission
Claimant's Notice of Arbitration and Statement of Claim
Expert Opinion of Prof. Hausman (accompanying Claimant's Counter-Memorial on Jurisdiction)
Claimant's Submission on Costs
Respondent's Statement of Defence
Claimant's Notice of Intent
Respondent's Request for Bifurcation
Claimant's Opposition to Respondent's Request for Bifurcation
Respondent's Memorial on Jurisdiction
Claimant's Counter-Memorial on Jurisdiction
Respondent's Reply Memorial on Jurisdiction
Claimant's Rejoinder Memorial on Jurisdiction
Mexico's Article 1128 Submissions on Jurisdiction
U.S.A.'s Article 1128 Submissions on Jurisdiction
Claimant's Comments on Article 1128 Submissions from U.S.A. and Mexico
Respondent's Comments on Article 1128 Submissions from U.S.A. and Mexico
Claimant's Memorial on Merits and Damages
Expert Witness Report of Prof. Hausman (accompanying Claimant's Memorial)
Expert Witness Report of Dr. Kaplan (accompanying Claimant's Memorial)
Respondent's Counter-Memorial on Merits and Damages
Expert Opinion of Pöyry Management Consulting Oy (accompanying Respondent's Counter-Memorial)
Expert Report of Peter Steger (accompanying Respondent's Counter-Memorial)
Witness Statement of Duff Montgomerie (accompanying Respondent's Counter-Memorial)
Witness Statement of Jeannie Chow (accompanying Respondent's Counter-Memorial)
Witness Statement of Julie Towers (accompanying Respondent's Counter-Memorial)
U.S.A.'s Second Article 1128 Submission
Witness Statement of Murray Coolican (accompanying Respondent's Counter-Memorial)
Mexico's Second Article 1128 Submission
Claimant’s Reply Memorial on the Merits and Damages
Expert Witness Report of Dr. Kaplan (accompanying Claimant's Reply Memorial)
Claimant's Response to Second Article 1128 Submissions of the U.S.A. and Mexico
Expert Witness Report of Prof. Hausman (accompanying Claimant's Reply Memorial)
Respondent's Response to Second Article 1128 Submissions of the U.S.A. and Mexico
Witness Statement of M. Richard Garneau (accompanying Claimant's Reply Memorial)
Expert Witness Report Of Ernst And Young Inc. (accompanying Claimant's Reply Memorial)
Respondent's Rejoinder Memorial on Merits and Damages
Witness Statement of Jeannie Chow (accompanying Respondent's Rejoinder Memorial)
Witness Statement of Murray Coolican (accompanying Respondent's Rejoinder Memorial)
Witness Statement of Duff Montgomerie (accompanying Respondent's Rejoinder Memorial)
Witness Statement of Julie Towers (accompanying Respondent's Rejoinder Memorial)
Expert Report of Pöyry Management Consulting Oy (accompanying Respondent's Rejoinder Memorial)
Expert Report of Peter Steger (accompanying Respondent's Rejoinder Memorial)
Respondent's Submission on Costs
Claimant's Pre-Hearing Memorial
Respondent's Summary Memorial
Procedural Documents
Procedural Order No. 1
Procedural Order No. 2 - Document Production
Procedural Order No. 3 - Scheduling Issues
Procedural Order No. 4 - Decision on Bifurcation
Procedural Order No. 5 - Scheduling the Jurisdictional Phase
Procedural Order No. 6 - Decision on Amicus Application
Procedural Order No. 7 - Scheduling the Merits and Damages Phase
Procedural Order No. 8 - Revised Schedule for the Merits and Damages Phase
Procedural Order No. 9 - Document Production
Procedural Order No. 10 - Further Revised Schedule for the Merits and Damages
Procedural Order No. 11 - Further Document Production
Procedural Order No. 12 - Further Revised Schedule for Merits and Damages Phase
Procedural Order No. 13 - On the Designation of Certain Exhibits as Restricted Access Information
Procedural Order No. 14 - Further Revised Schedule for Merits and Damages Phase
Procedural Order No. 15 - Further Revised Schedule for Merits and Damages Phase
Procedural Order No. 16 - on Virtual Hearing Procedures
Award or other decision
Decision on Jurisdiction and Admissibility
Final Award
Separate Statement of Dean Ronald A. Cass
Press Release
Notification à l’attention de tierces parties et d’éventuels Amici Curiae
Notification to Non-Disputing Parties and potential Amici Curiae
Press Release - Hearing on Jurisdiction and Admissibility
Communiqué de Presse - Audience sur la compétence et la recevabilité
Notification to Non-Disputing Parties and potential Amici Curiae
Notification à l’attention de tierces parties et d’éventuels Amici Curiae
Notification to Non-Disputing Parties and potential Amici Curiae
Notification à l’attention de tierces parties et d’éventuels Amici Curiae
Press Release - Hearing on the Merits and Damages
Communiqué de presse - Audience sur le fond et sur les dommages-intérêts
Press Release - Hearing on the Merits and Damages
Communiqué de presse - Audience sur le fond et sur les dommages-intérêts
Confidentiality Order
Link to Live Webcast of Jurisdictional Hearing (available only on August 15-16, 2017). For transcripts, see links below.
Transcript, Hearing on Jurisdiction and Admissibility, Day 1
Transcript, Hearing on Jurisdiction and Admissibility, Day 2
Transcript, Hearing on the Merits and Damages, Day 1
Transcript, Hearing on the Merits and Damages, Day 2
Transcript, Hearing on the Merits and Damages, Day 3
Transcript, Hearing on the Merits and Damages, Day 4
Transcript, Hearing on the Merits and Damages, Day 5
Transcript, Hearing on the Merits and Damages, Day 6
Transcript, Hearing on the Merits and Damages, Day 1
Transcript, Hearing on the Merits and Damages, Day 2