Dispute Concerning Coastal State Rights in the Black Sea, Sea of Azov, and Kerch Strait (Ukraine v. the Russian Federation)
On 16 September 2016, Ukraine served on the Russian Federation a Notification and Statement of Claim under Annex VII to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) referring to a dispute concerning coastal state rights in the Black Sea, Sea of Azov, and Kerch Strait. The Permanent Court of Arbitration acts as Registry in this arbitration.
Case information
Name(s) of Claimant(s)
Ukraine (State)
Name(s) of Respondent(s)
The Russian Federation (State)
Names of Parties
Case number
Administering institution
Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
Case status
Type of case
Inter-state arbitration
Subject matter or economic sector
Law of the sea
Procedural rules
- Other -
Treaty or contract under which proceedings were commenced
Multilateral treaty UNCLOS
Language of Proceeding
Seat of Arbitration (by Country)
Arbitrator(s), Conciliator(s), Other Neutral(s)
Judge Jin-Hyun Paik (Presiding arbitrator)
Judge Boualem Bouguetaia
Judge Alonso Gómez-Robledo
Professor Vaughan Lowe KC
Professor Alexander Vylegzhanin (as of 30 May 2023)
Judge Vladimir Golitsyn (until 26 March 2023)
Representatives of the Claimant(s)
H.E. Mr. Anton Korynevych, Ambassador-at-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (as of 17 March 2023)
H.E. Mr. Yevhenii Yenin, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (from 11 June 2020 until 17 March 2023)
H.E. Ms. Olena Zerkal, Deputy Foreign Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (until 11 June 2020)
Ms. Oksana Zolotaryova, Director, Department of International Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (as of 17 March 2023)
H.E. Mr. Vsevolod Chentsov, Ambassador to the Netherlands (from 7 June 2019 until 17 March 2023)
Ms. Marney L. Cheek, Covington & Burling LLP
Mr. Jonathan Gimblett, Covington & Burling LLP
Mr. David M. Zionts, Covington & Burling LLP
Mr. Nikhil V. Gore, Covington & Burling LLP
Professor Harold Hongju Koh (as of 30 January 2018)
Professor Alfred H.A. Soons (as of 30 January 2018)
Professor Jean-Marc Thouvenin (as of 30 January 2018)
Representatives of the Respondent(s)
H.E. Mr. Vladimir Tarabrin, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Kingdom of the Netherlands (as of 3 April 2024)
H.E. Mr. Gennady Kuzmin, Ambassador-at-large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (as of 17 February 2023)
H.E. Mr. Alexander Shulgin, Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom of the Netherlands (from 17 February 2023 until 3 April 2024)
H.E. Mr. Dmitry Lobach, Ambassador-at-large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (from 10 October 2017 until 17 February 2023)
H.E. Mr. Roman A. Kolodkin, Director, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (until 28 September 2017)
Mr. Kirill Udovichenko, Monastyrsky, Zyuba, Stepanov & Partners Mr. Sergey Korolev, Monastyrsky, Zyuba, Stepanov & Partners Ms. Anastasia Taranova, Monastyrsky, Zyuba, Stepanov & Partners Mr. Anatoly Balan, Monastyrsky, Zyuba, Stepanov & Partners Ms. Anna Kostina, Monastyrsky, Zyuba, Stepanov & Partners Mr. Mikhail Abramov, Monastyrsky, Zyuba, Stepanov & Partners
Dr. Alfredo Crosato Neumann, Kadir Has University, Istanbul