Sea Search-Armada, LLC (USA) v. The Republic of Colombia

The Permanent Court of Arbitration provides administrative support in this arbitration, which is being conducted under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 2021.

Case information

Name(s) of Claimant(s) Sea Search-Armada, LLC (Private entity )
Name(s) of Respondent(s) The Republic of Colombia (State)
Names of Parties -
Case number 2023-37
Administering institution Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
Case status Pending
Type of case Investment arbitration
Subject matter or economic sector International investment law
Procedural rules UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 2021
Treaty or contract under which proceedings were commenced

Bilateral treaty
United States – Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement, entered into force on 15 May 2012
Country A: United States
Country B: Colombia

Language of Proceeding English
Seat of Arbitration (by Country) United Kingdom
Arbitrator(s), Conciliator(s), Other Neutral(s)

Stephen Drymer (Presiding Arbitrator)

Stephen Jagusch KC

Claus Von Wobeser

Representatives of the Claimant(s)

Rahim Moloo

Robert Weigel

Anne Champion

Jason Myatt

Victoria R. Orlowski

Ankita Ritwik

Pablo Garrido

Martina Monti


Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP



Representatives of the Respondent(s)

Yas Banifatemi

Ximena Herrera-Bernal

María del Pilar Álvarez

Gaillard Banifatemi Shelbaya Disputes


José Antonio Rivas Campo

María Camila de Brigard

Xtrategy LLP


César Palomino Cortés

Yebrail Haddad Linero

Giovanny Vega Barbosa

Juana Martínez

Andrés Reina

Leiver Palacios

María Lucía Casas

Mariana Reyes

María Valentina Díaz

Rocío Pinzón

Valentina Sierra

Agencia Nacional de Defensa Jurídica del Estado de Colombia

Representatives of the Parties
Number of Arbitrators in case 3
Date of commencement of proceeding 19 December 2022
Date of issue of final award -
Length of Proceedings Pending
Additional notes -


Written submission
Claimant's Notice of Arbitration
Respondent's Respuesta a la Notificación de Arbitraje
Respondent’s Submission pursuant to Article 10.20.5 of the Trade Promotion Agreement
Claimant's Response to Colombia's Article 10.20.5 Objections
Respondent's Reply to Claimant's Response to Colombia's Article 10.20.5 Objections
Claimant's Rejoinder to Colombia's Article 10.20.5 Objections
Submission of the United States of America
Claimant's Amended Statement of Claim
Respondent's Statement of Defense (Redacted)
Procedural Documents
Procedural Order No. 1
Orden Procesal No. 1
Procedural Order No. 2
Orden Procesal No. 2
Procedural Order No. 3 (Phase II Procedural Calendar)
Orden Procesal núm. 3 (Calendario Procesal Fase II)
Orden Procesal núm. 4
Procedural Order No. 4
Revised Procedural Calendar (as of 12 February 2025)
Award or other decision
Decision on the Application by the Kingdom of Spain for Leave to Intervene as Non-Disputing Party
Decisión sobre la solicitud del Reino de España para intervenir como parte no contendiente
Decision on Respondent's Preliminary Objections under Article 10.20.5 of the United States - Colombia TPA
Decisión sobre las Objeciones Preliminares de la Demandada al amparo del artículo 10.20.5 del TPA entre Colombia y los Estados Unidos de América
Decision on Claimant's Application for Interim Measures
Decisión sobre la Solicitud de Medidas Cautelares de la Demandante
Supplementary Decision and Order for an Evidence Preservation Protocol
Decisión Complementaria y Orden relativa a un Protocolo de Preservación de Evidencia
Hearing audio recording - Day 1
Grabación audio de la audiencia - Día 1
Hearing audio recording - Day 2
Grabación audio de la audiencia - Día 2
Hearing Transcript - Day 1
Transcripción de la audiencia - Día 1
Hearing Transcript - Day 2
Transcripción de la audiencia - Día 2