Singapore International Arbitration Forum 2013

The Permanent Court of Arbitration is a supporting organization of the Singapore International Arbitration Forum 2013, to be held on December 2, 2013 at Gardens by the Bay, Singapore. The theme of SIAF 2013 is “Adventures with Blank Sheets of Paper”, comprised of a day of “blue sky” experimental thinking on the structure and practice of international arbitration.
Confirmed speakers include: Tim Eicke QC, Professor Maryanne Garry, Edwin Glasgow CBE QC, H.E. Judge Sir Christopher Greenwood CMG QC, Lord Hoffmann, Professor Dr Rolf Knieper, Toby Landau QC, Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon, Karyl Nairn QC, Justice V K Rajah, Lucy Reed, Michael E.Schneider, The Honourable James Spigelman AC QC, and Christopher Thomas QC.
For more information please visit the SIAF website at