Review Panel established under the Convention on the Conservation and Management of High Seas Fishery Resources in the South Pacific Ocean

The PCA served as registry to the proceedings conducted by a Review Panel established under Article 17 and Annex II of the Convention on the Conservation and Management of High Seas Fishery Resources in the South Pacific Ocean (entered into force on 24 August 2012), with regards to the objection by the Republic of Ecuador to the Conservation and Management Measure for Trachurus murphyi (CMM 01-2018) adopted by the Commission of the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation at its Sixth Meeting held from 30 January to 3 February 2018. 

La CPA actuó de registro en los procedimientos conducidos por el Panel de Revisión establecido en conformidad con el Artículo 17 y el Anexo II de la Convención para la Conservación y Manejo de los Recursos Pesqueros de la Alta Mar del Pacífico Sur (en vigor desde el 24 de agosto de 2012), en relación a la objeción realizada por la República del Ecuador acerca de la Medida de Conservación y Ordenamiento para Trachurus murphyi (CMM 01-2018) adoptada por la Comisión de la Organización Regional de Ordenación Pesquera del Pacífico Sur en su Sexta Reunión, llevada a cabo entre el 30 de enero y el 3 de febrero de 2018. 

Case information

Name(s) of Claimant(s)
Name(s) of Respondent(s) -
Names of Parties

The Republic of Ecuador:

Ms. Ana Katuska Drouet, Minister of Aquaculture and Fisheries

Eng. Jorge Costain Chang, Undersecretary of Fisheries of Ecuador

Amb. Fernando Bucheli, Consul of Ecuador in The Hague

Mr. José Antonio Yturralde Villagómez, Vice-Consul of Ecuador in The Hague

Ms. Susana Villacis, Ministry of Aquaculture and Fisheries

Mrs. Ana Alvarez, Ministry of Aquaculture and Fisheries

Mr. Jimmy Alfredo Villaviciencio Navia, Legal Advisor

Eng. Guillermo Morán Velásquez, Technical Advisor


South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation: 

Mr. Osvaldo Urrutia, Chairman of the Commission

Dr. Johanne Fischer, Executive Secretary


The Republic of Perú:

Mr. Javier Fernando Miguel Atkins Lerggios, Vice-Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture

Mr. Lucas Otero, Embassy of Peru


New Zealand:
Ms. Victoria Hallum, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Mr. Luke Roughton, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade


The Republic of Chile:
Mr. Eduardo Riquelme, Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Amb. Maria Teresa Infante, Ambassador of Chile to The Netherlands
Mr. Juan Enrique Loyer, Embassy of Chile in The Netherlands
Mr. Mauro Urbina, Undersecretariat for Fisheries and Aquaculture
Ms. Katherine Bernal, Undersecretariat for Fisheries and Aquaculture


Commonwealth of Australia:
Ms. Kerrie Robertson, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources

Mr. Toby Hanson, Department of Agriculture

Ms. Christina Hey-Nguyen, Legal Adviser, Embassy of Australia to The Netherlands

Case number 2018-13
Administering institution Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
Case status Concluded
Type of case Inter-state other
Subject matter or economic sector Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Procedural rules Ad Hoc Rules of Procedure
Treaty or contract under which proceedings were commenced

Multilateral treaty
Convention on the Conservation and Management of the High Seas Fishery Resources in the South Pacific Ocean

Language of Proceeding English
Seat of Arbitration (by Country) - N/A -
Arbitrator(s), Conciliator(s), Other Neutral(s)

The members of the Review Panel are:

Prof. Donald MacKay

Ms. Cecilia Engler

Prof. Erik J. Molenaar

Representatives of the Claimant(s) -
Representatives of the Respondent(s) -
Representatives of the Parties
Number of Arbitrators in case 3
Date of commencement of proceeding 28 March 2018
Date of issue of final award 05 June 2018
Length of Proceedings Less than one year
Additional notes

Information and documents regarding these proceedings can also be found at:


Written submission
Objection of the Republic of Ecuador
SPRFMO Memorandum
SPRFMO Supporting Materials
Ecuador Memorandum
Peru Memorandum
Memorándum del Perú
New Zealand Memorandum
Australia Memorandum
Australia Supporting Materials
Chile Memorandum
Memorándum de Chile
Chile Supporting Materials
Ecuador Reply
Peru Reply
Réplica del Perú
Peru Supporting Materials - Part 1
Peru Supporting Materials - Part 2
Procedural Documents
Procedural Directive No. 1
Directiva Procesal No. 1
Letter on behalf of the Review Panel
Carta de parte del Panel de Revisión
Letter on behalf of the Review Panel
Carta de parte del Panel de Revisión
Letter on behalf of the Review Panel
Carta de parte del Panel de Revisión
Award or other decision
Findings and Recommendations of the Review Panel
Conclusiones y Recomendaciones del Panel de Revisión
CMM 01-2018
CMM 01-2017
Audiencia - Parte I
Audiencia - Parte II
Audiencia - Parte III
Audiencia - Parte IV
Hearing - Part I
Hearing - Part II
Hearing - Part III
Hearing - Part IV
Hearing Transcript