Mohammad Reza Dayyani, Abbas Dayyani, Mohammad Hossein Dayyani, Ali Dayyani, Fatemeh Dayyani and Kosar Dayyani v. Republic of Korea

Case information

Name(s) of Claimant(s) Mohammad Reza Dayyani, Abbas Dayyani, Mohammad Hossein Dayyani, Ali Dayyani, Fatemeh Dayyani and Kosar Dayyani (Private entity )
Name(s) of Respondent(s) Republic of Korea (State)
Names of Parties -
Case number 2022-12
Administering institution Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
Case status Pending
Type of case Investment arbitration
Subject matter or economic sector - Other -
Procedural rules UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 1976
Treaty or contract under which proceedings were commenced

Bilateral treaty
Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the Promotion and Protection of Investments, signed on 31 October 1998
Country A: Korea, Republic of
Country B: Iran

Language of Proceeding English
Seat of Arbitration (by Country) United Kingdom
Arbitrator(s), Conciliator(s), Other Neutral(s)

Professor Albert Jan van den Berg (Presiding Arbitrator)
Professor Ibrahim Fadlallah (until 30 January 2024)
Dr. Michael Bühler (as of 1 March 2024)
Professor John R. Crook

Representatives of the Claimant(s)

Dr. Moshkan Mashkour
Dr. Hasan Khosroshahi
Ms. Negar Pasbani
Ms. Sonia Rahmati
Mr. Amin Machkour
Sanglaj International Consultants


Mr. David Sellers
Mr. Wesley Pydiamah
Ms. Tejas Shiroor
Mr. Dimitrios Papageorgiou
Ms. Nanette Pilkington
Ms. Aseel Barghuthi
Mr. Nicolas Jelonek
Ms. Sandra Geahchan
Ms. Katherine Marami
Eversheds Sutherland (from 13 January 2023)


Dr. Hamid Gharavi
Mr. Thomas Bevilacqua
Ms. Mylène Larosière
Derains & Gharavi (from 15 October 2021 to 26 October 2022) 


Representatives of the Respondent(s)

Mr. Paolo Di Rosa
Mr. Jun Hee Kim
Mr. Anton A. Ware
Ms. Tereza Gao
Mr. Bart Wasiak
Mr. Peter J.C. Saban
Ms. Lyuzhi Wang
Arnold & Porter


Mr. Kevin Kim
Mr. John Bang
Mr. Mino Han
Ms. Ara Cho
Ms. Jennifer Yoo
Mr. Dongsuk Shin
Mr. Jin Kyu Lee
Ms. Jihye Chung
Ms. Charis Tan
Mr. Kenneth Ng
Peter & Kim


Representatives of the Parties
Number of Arbitrators in case 3
Date of commencement of proceeding 18 October 2021
Date of issue of final award -
Length of Proceedings Pending
Additional notes -