International Management Group v. European Union, represented by the European Commission

The PCA provided administrative support in this arbitration, which was conducted under the PCA Optional Rules for Arbitration Involving International Organisations and States. 

Case information

Name(s) of Claimant(s) International Management Group (International organization )
Name(s) of Respondent(s) European Union (International organization )
Names of Parties -
Case number 2017-04
Administering institution Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
Case status Concluded
Type of case Contract-based arbitration
Subject matter or economic sector -
Procedural rules Permanent Court of Arbitration Optional Rules for Arbitration Involving International Organizations and States
Treaty or contract under which proceedings were commenced -
Language of Proceeding English
Seat of Arbitration (by Country) Belgium
Arbitrator(s), Conciliator(s), Other Neutral(s)

Mr. Laurent Jaeger (Presiding Arbitrator)

Mr. Pascal Hollander

Dr. Christian W. Konrad

Representatives of the Claimant(s)

Ms. Laure Levi


Representatives of the Respondent(s)

Ms. Sandrine Delaude

Ms. Ekaterina Georgieva

Ms. Josephine Norris


Representatives of the Parties
Number of Arbitrators in case 3
Date of commencement of proceeding 23 January 2017
Date of issue of final award -
Length of Proceedings 1-2 years
Additional notes -