





这一会议为政府和能源公司的代表提供了一个讨论能源争议解决的环境。论坛主要包括两个讨论组:第一个是由Michael Polkinghorne先生(White & Case 律师事务所 (巴黎)合伙人)主持,包括下述政府代表:

  • Bayaornibè Dabire先生,ECOWAS Director of Energy;
  • Alisa Newman Hood女士,Senior Advisor,Energy Resources Bureau,US Department of State;以及,
  • Marie Talašová女士,Head of International Arbitration Department,Ministry of Finance, Czech Republic。

第二个讨论组由Sabine Konrad博士(McDermott Will & Emery律师事务所(法兰克福)合伙人)主持,包括下述能源公司代表:

  • Cornelis van der Bom先生,Associate General Counsel (Upstream Activities),Shell;
  • Michael McIlwrath先生,Global Chief Litigation Counsel,GE Oil & Gas;
  • Zangar Nogaibay博士,Executive Director, Association “Kazenergy”;
  • Sun Xiansheng博士,President,China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC),Economics & Technology Research Institute;以及,
  • Masako Takahata女士,General Counsel,Eurus Energy Holdings Corporation
SG delivering opening remarks at ECT Legal Forum

常设仲裁法院秘书长阁下Hugo H. Siblesz先生致开幕词。

The ECS Secretary-General, H.E. Dr. Urban Rusnák, delivering his opening remarks.

能源宪章条约秘书长阁下Urban Rusnák博士致开幕词。

The governmental panel (from left to right): Mr. Michael Polkinghorne (moderator), Ms. Alisa Newman Hood, Ms. Marie Talašová, and Mr. Bayaornibè Dabire.

政府讨论组(从左到右):Michael Polkinghorne先生(主持人), Alisa Newman Hood女士, Marie Talašová女士, and Bayaornibè Dabire先生。

The energy company panel (from left to right): Dr. Sabine Konrad (moderator), Dr. Sun Xiansheng, Ms. Masako Takahata, Mr. Cornelis van der Bom, Mr. Michael McIlwrath, and Dr. Zangar Nogaibay.

能源公司讨论组(从左到右):Sabine Konrad博士(主持人), Sun Xiansheng博士, Masako Takahata女士, Cornelis van der Bom先生, Michael McIlwrath先生, and Zangar Nogaibay博士。